Isabel Czerwenka-Wenkstetten

Webseite: // Ordentliches Mitglied seit 2014

Artist Statement

Spaces. Innerspaces, exterior spaces and in-between-spaces, the opening and exploration of them. Curiosity towards the unknown, prejudices and their decomposition, taking up different perspectives, other points of view, processes of rapprochement, integrations, spatial experience, but also the sensuous experience of materials and space. These are main topics in the art work of Isael Czerwenka-Wenkstetten/ICW. The choice of the used materials is strongly influenced by them. Especially mirrors, glass or silicon, material and immaterial pictures, analog and digital photographies transformed into collage and in that way in new pictures as well as her empirical studies of cultures which give rise to new artistic questions and statements. The processual moving or to be moved, what is absent or present form an important context in the artwork of ICW. Interactive art, inviting contemplators to get involved. „The perceived gets re-mirrored. Reflections in new contexts show new constellations and moving pictures, modulated through light and shadow with time. Everything flows, universal flux, panta rhei. And yes, dark and light flow in the same directions.“



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