My work lies at the intersection of science, art, design, ecology, and technology, exploring the intricate and often unseen realms of biological phenomena. With a background in media technique and design, and a profound fascination for computer-animated scientific visualizations, I strive to depict the complexities of our world through a media art lens.
Throughout my career, I have delved into the depiction of realities and biological entities, contributing to documentary and fictional productions for both television and cinema. My recent endeavors are deeply rooted in scientific imaging data, created in interdisciplinary collaborations.
As a senior researcher at the Science Visualization Lab, part of the Department of Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, I am privileged to work on projects that address some of the most pressing issues facing humanity.
Through my animations, I aim to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and public awareness, offering viewers a visually compelling insight into the marvels and challenges of the natural world. My art is a continuous journey of discovering and portraying the unseen, fostering a deeper connection between humanity and the intricate tapestry of life that surrounds us.
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